Traditional Homes

Hedgerow Residence

Our Hedgerow residence provided us with a wonderful opportunity to explore the traditional Spanish Colonial design style that is so well suited to the Santa Barbara lifestyle and our Mediterranean climate. The property had once been part of a grand Montecito estate that had long since sub-divided into smaller parcels for homes. A beautiful 1920s art studio building remained on this property as a historical touchstone to that past. Unfortunately, subsequent additions and a haphazard conversion of this studio into a single-family residence in the 1970’s virtually erased the soul and charm of the original classic architecture.

Our design process began with preserving and restoring the original studio structure while removing the more recent insensitive additions. The next step was to create a new residence that built upon the historic studio's natural charm while providing a new modern home for our client's family. Careful attention to historical design, craftsmanship and architectural detailing blends the new building with the original structure.


I’ve worked with NMA on three significant projects since living in Santa Barbara. The projects have been seamless and consistently exceeded expectations. It’s been a pleasure working with the NMA team, and I wouldn’t hesitate jumping in again.

Tom Thayer Homeowner